



また、教授の方々には、ニューヨークの歴史についても多くの資料をご紹介いただき、学ばせていただく機会をいただきました。特に同分野の歴史においては、Barkin女史に学ぶところが多く、講義や以下の著書からも多くを引用させていただいております。BaruchのHistory DeptのHistorian達、およびニューヨークの友人に、深く感謝いたします。





2006年1月8日: 土橋省吾 Seigo Dobashi 記


なかなかニューヨーク専門の歴史書はみつかりませんが、その中で、The Historical Atlas of New York City が、良くまとまっています。Barkin女史の講義メモからも多く引用させていただきました。

  • Betty, Wood. The Origin of American Slavery: Freedom and Bondage in the English Colonies. Hill and Wang. New York. 1997.
  • Berkin, Carol. First Generation; Women in Colonial America. New York; Hill and Wang, 1996.
  • Berkin, Carol., Christopher, L. Miller., Robert, W. Cherny., James, L. Gormly., and W. Thomas. Mainwaring. Making America; A History of the United States. Brief Edition, Volume A: To 1877. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston. New York. 1997.
  • Catherine, Clinton. The Other Civil War: American Women in The Nineteenth Century. Harper Collins Canada, Ltd. 1984.
  • Colin, B. Hamblin. Ellis Island: The Official Immigration Restored Guide. Companion Press. Santa Barbara, CA. 1991.
  • Countryman, Edward. The American Revolution. New York; Hill and Wang, 1985.
  • Elliot, Willensky. and Norval, White. A Guide to New York City. Third Edition. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, New york Foundation for Architecture. New York, NY. 1988.
  • Eric, Homoberger. The Historical Atlas of New York City; A Visual Celebration of Nearly 400 Years of New York City’s History. An Owl Book, Henry Holt and Company. New York. 1994.
  • Frederick, M. Binder. and David, M. Reimers. All the Nations under Heaven; An Ethnic and Racial History of New York City. Columbia University Press New York ; New York, NY, 1995.
  • Graves, P. Frank. The American Revolution in New York. Albany; the University of the State of New York, 1926.
  • Hill, T. Frederick. The Story of a Street, New York and London: Harper & Brothers Publishers,1908
  • James, Q. Willson. and John, J. DiIulio, Jr. American Government, Six Edition. D.C. Heath and Company. Lexington, Massachusetts. 1995.
  • John, Demos. A Little Commonwealth: Family Life in Plymouth Colony. Oxford University Press. London, Oxford, New York. 1970.
  • Koblin, David. The Black Minority in Early New York, The university of the state of New York ; NY, Albany, 1971.
  • Larry, Madaras. and James, M. Sorelle. Takeing Sides; Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in American History Volume 1, The Colonial Period to Reconstruction, Dushkin/McGraw-Hill ; Guilford, Connecticut, 1997.
  • Luc, Sante. Low Life: Lures and snares of Old New York. Vintage Books. A Division of Random House, Inc. New York. 1992.
  • Norton, Beth. Marry. Liberty’s Daughters; The Revolutionary Experience Of American Women, 1750-1800. Boston; Little, Brown and Company, 1980.
  • William, Graebner. and Leonard, Richards. The American Record; Images of The Nation’s Past. Third Edition. McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York, NY. 1982.
  • New York; Michelin Green Guide Vol 1, Manufacture Francaise des Pneumatiques Michelin, Clermont, France, 1992.
もくじ: 概略と特徴17世紀史18世紀史19世紀史20世紀史|あとがき・参考文献